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How to Insert Frontend Labels Conditionally in Magento 2

How to Insert Frontend Labels Conditionally in Magento 2

In this post, we'll explore how to insert records into the eav_attribute_label table in Magento 2. Specifically, we'll insert the frontend_label from the eav_attribute table, but only if the attribute_id does not already exist in eav_attribute_label.


You want to insert a new record into the eav_attribute_label table with three columns: attribute_id, store_id, and value. The value to insert is the frontend_label from the eav_attribute table. This insertion should only happen if the attribute_id does not already exist in eav_attribute_label.


Here's how you can achieve this with a MySQL query:

INSERT INTO eav_attribute_label (attribute_id, store_id, value)
SELECT eav.attribute_id, 1 AS store_id, eav.frontend_label
FROM eav_attribute eav
    SELECT 1 FROM eav_attribute_label eal
    WHERE eal.attribute_id = eav.attribute_id

enhanced query

INSERT INTO eav_attribute_label (attribute_id, store_id, value)
SELECT ea.attribute_id, 1 as store_id, ea.frontend_label
FROM eav_attribute ea
WHERE ea.entity_type_id = 4
   FROM eav_attribute_label eal
   WHERE eal.attribute_id = ea.attribute_id
   AND eal.store_id = 1



Let’s break down the query:

  • INSERT INTO eav_attribute_label (attribute_id, store_id, value): Specifies the table and columns where you want to insert data.
  • SELECT eav.attribute_id, 1 AS store_id, eav.frontend_label: Selects the attribute_id and frontend_label from the eav_attribute table. We are assigning a store_id value of 1.
  • WHERE NOT EXISTS: Ensures that the insertion only happens if the attribute_id does not already exist in the eav_attribute_label table.
  • SELECT 1 FROM eav_attribute_label eal WHERE eal.attribute_id = eav.attribute_id: Checks if the attribute_id is already present in the eav_attribute_label table. If it is, the insert is not performed.


You can adjust the query based on your specific needs:

  • Modify the store_id as needed for your Magento 2 store.
  • Ensure that the frontend_label from eav_attribute correctly maps to the value column in eav_attribute_label.

This approach helps you maintain data consistency by avoiding duplicate attribute_id entries while inserting new frontend labels into the eav_attribute_label table.
