Make the Tax ID mandatory in the checkout page
The easiest way to make the tax/vat id mandatory in the checkout page is to change the is_required in the eav_attribute table
you can use this Query to change the value from 0 => 1
UPDATE `eav_attribute` SET `is_required` = '1' WHERE `eav_attribute`.`attribute_code` = 'vat_id';
or you can use this code when you want to use a custom extesnion
$installer->updateAttribute('customer_address', 'vat_id', 'is_required', true);
You will also need to display the Tax id in the frontend
Store->Configuration->Customers->Customers Configuration ->Name and Address Options
(Show Tax/Vat Number)
Store->Configuration->Customers->Customers Configuration->Create new Account Options
Show VAT Number on Storefront