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Shopware6 - Plugin - Commands


In this guide, you'll learn which Plugin Commands come with Shopware and what they are used for. Below you'll find a list of each command and its usage.


Command Arguments Options Usage
plugin:create name N/A Creates a skeleton Plugin with the given name
plugin:install plugins activate, reinstall, clearCache Installs, re-installs and activates one or multiple plugins
plugin:uninstall plugins keep-user-data, clearCache Uninstalls one or multiple plugins
plugin:activate plugins clearCache Activates one or multiple installed plugins
plugin:deactivate plugins clearCache Deactivates one or multiple installed plugins
plugin:update plugins clearCache Updates one or multiple plugins
plugin:list N/A filter Prints a list of all available plugins filtering with the given filter
plugin:refresh N/A skipPluginList Refreshes the plugin list

List of all plugin commands



Please note, that arguments are always required and options are optional.

After activating, deactivating, updating or uninstalling your plugin you have to clear the cache, you can use the clearCache option for this. Alternatively you can run the command bin/console cache:clear