Magento2 log messages
Hi, In this wiki we will show you how we can logging in Magento2
as you know in Magento1, we can doing log by this code
<?php Mage::log("You message here"); ?>
but in magento2 this code will not work, we can easily log by this code
in your file just you need to make new instance of Object Manager, then we will create a new object of LoogerInterface
<?php $om = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance(); $logger = $om->create('\Psr\Log\LoggerInterface'); $logger->addDebug("your message here"); // log location: var/log/system.log $logger->addInfo("your message here"); // log location: var/log/exception.log $logger->addNotice("your message here"); // log location: var/log/exception.log $logger->addError("your message here"); // log location: var/log/exception.log $logger->critical("your message here"); // log location: var/log/exception.log
"your message here"); $
"your message here");
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